
The Pros and Cons of Kamado Joe Ceramic Grills

Ceramic cookware has been with us for thousands of years - it’s made using a special clay coating hardened by heat.

Modern ceramics are made using high-tech additions in different proportions, like carbon, silicon, non-metallic oxides, and nitride materials. 

The foundation remains the same however - it’s a layer of stony coating over metal core walls.

Ceramics are smooth, glossy, heavy, conserve heat well, and are amazing to cook with.

Kamado Joe Ceramic Grills

Ceramic grills are special - both in their looks and in the experiences they bring.

We’re talking about Kamado grills - egg-shaped cookers with beautiful textured ceramic walls. Take a look at Kamado Joe, the Big Green Egg, and Primo collections to get an idea. 

The concept of Kamado comes from Japan, where it describes a traditional stove with oval clay pots with removable domes. These stoves can be traced back thousands of years to ancient Japanese cooking techniques. The term 'Kamado' itself is the Japanese word for 'stove' or 'cooking range'.

Nowadays ceramic grills have gained a solid fanbase - and rightfully so. Kamados grant you a whole new level of grilling creativity. Most clients we’ve converted say that they could never go back to regular metal grills.


pros and cons of ceramic grills

Top Advantages of Ceramic Grills: Why They're Buzzing in the Market

Ceramic grills have a set of unique features that explain the latest buzz around them. Let’s go over the list of things you get when you invest in a Kamado:

Health and Safety First: The Non-Toxic Nature of Ceramic Grills

Ceramics are one of the cleanest materials to cook with. Ceramic clay being made with natural inorganic compounds means it’s as good as using heated stones in a pre-historic setting.

Ceramics are non-toxic, non-allergenic, do not rust, and have been known to us for millennia. 

Ceramic walls do not leak anything into foods and they do not absorb odors. They are extremely easy to clean - in fact, all you have to do is be gentle with your Kamado and it will last for years.

Family-Friendly Design: The Safer Exterior of Ceramic Grills

Unlike metal grills, ceramic Kamados are not as sizzling hot, which makes them a safer option for parties, especially with kids running around.

Sure, ceramic grills do get hot on the outside, but touching them won’t instantly cause a burning injury in most cases.

The Unique Charm of Kamado Grills: A Blend of Tradition and Innovation

The long history of these grills means the concept is tested and proven by centuries.

The fact that egg-shaped clay pots accumulate heat in a very special way has given way to a whole new culture of grilling, baking, roasting, and smoking - the culture we are happy to represent.

Efficiency Redefined: How Ceramic Grills Enhance Cooking

Everyone who has switched to ceramics knows that tipping point when their Kamado has become “heat soaked”.

Once that happens, the ceramic walls start radiating even high-intensity heat that helps cook the food on the grill quickly and evenly. The heat is distributed symmetrically and there are no cold spots inside of the big eggs.

Once your ceramic Kamado is hot - it stays hot and helps you save on charcoal. Use less charcoal and cook more food - the math is simple!

Ease of Maintenance: The Hassle-Free Cleaning of Ceramic Grills

Ceramics do not rust and are extremely easy to clean - the smooth surfaces act as non-stick pan walls. Just avoid using abrasives or accidentally scratching while handling it.

Savor the Flavor: How Ceramic Grills Transform Your Barbecue

It’s the versatility that gives you the complete freedom of expression.. Nothing beats cooking on a heat-soaked Kamado. The heat is so good and even that you unwind and start experimenting on the fly!

You can literally bake cakes and pastries, grill meat, roast veggies, and bake poultry in the same ceramic grill all in one day.

A Kamado lets you cook slow, hearty, and demanding dishes that are originally meant for ovens. Tandoori chicken, flavor-soaked baked beans and other side dishes, even crusty artisan bread - a ceramic grill is perfect for all of that since it can also act as an oven.

The flavor hits different

Ceramic grills can hold in moisture and smoke, which results in a unique combo of all kinds of physics inside of them - and a rich, smoky flavor that is hard to achieve with a metal grill.

A ceramic grill will help add meaning to the most generic staples of every barbecue party, - and it’s bound to be a conversation starter!


komodo joe ceramic grill with stand

Is a Ceramic Grill Right for You? Unveiling the Truth

If you’re always looking for the other side of the story - we have no secrets. 

Here’s what you need to know:

Why Choose Premium Kamado Grills: A Worthwhile Investment

For the reasons outlined above, Kamado grills definitely stand out among the universal mass-market cookers. 

If you are not sure about diving right in, get a small Kamado first. It’s an investment that won’t depreciate, since each ceramic grill size has evergreen applications.

If you are after the smoothest grilling experience ever, we carry the complete line of The Big Green Egg - and that’s 7 sizes and prices to pick from!

Understanding the Size and Weight of Ceramic Grills

Ceramic grills are heavy and bulky - they can weigh from 150 to 300 pounds or even more. This is because of their construction - the very ceramic walls that make the cooking experience unique are heavy, and there is no way around that.

Frankly, that’s exactly what we love them for. 

Kamados are not your regular picnic burners - they are substantial, stationary, and foundational. They make great centerpieces for outdoor kitchens where large families gather.

Navigating the Durability of Ceramic Grills: Handling and Care

Unlike full-metal grills, ceramic grills may get cracks in the enamel if dropped or mishandled. That’s common for any ceramic cookware. 

Don’t scratch or hit the walls from the inside, and use rubber-tipped tongs.

These grills can also get enamel damage from thermal shock, so any sudden change in temperature. With that said, unless you’re hosing down a hot grill or dumping ice into it, your grill is absolutely safe.

We usually instruct our customers on the best practices that extend the lifespan of their Kamados - but there has never been a fool-proof device.

Mastering the Art of Ceramic Grilling: A Learning Journey

There is definitely a certain learning curve with ceramic grills. They can be tricky to light, adjust, and monitor.

This shouldn’t dissuade you though, because you will learn the ropes after several test sessions. Master temperature control with top and bottom vents, and get used to letting your Kamado soak up the heat.

Once you cook on a ceramic grill several times you will hardly want to go back.

Maximizing the Benefits of Slow Cooking with Ceramic Grills

Aggressive searing may be inconvenient with ceramic grills, because they can take a while to heat up and cool down. 

Rather, focus on baking and smoking to get the most of the heat-soaked walls of the egg-shaped oven.

komodojoe grill

Ready to Try a Kamado Joe Ceramic Grill? We Can Help

We understand that the learning curve and the variety of models can be confusing, so we offer expert consultation for anyone interested in any of the ceramic grills we hold in stock.

Give us a call today and we’ll help you figure out the most practical and cost-effective first ceramic grill for your needs:

Austin: 512-347-1988
San Antonio: 210-437-2999
Nationwide: 877-274-7455